Security Alert: Beware of Phishing Calls
Attention: We have recieved reports of phishing calls from scammers posing as bank employees and attempting to gain personal information. If you recieve such a call, hang up and do not provide any information to the caller under any circumstance.
Tips for Avoiding Scams
We take your protection seriously and want to keep you informed on these topics. Think that call, text, or email might be a scam? Review these red flags that can tip you off.
- High-pressure language
- Scare tactics
- A sense of urgency
- Ask for sensitive account information
- Ask for passwords or your Social Security number
- Ask for your PIN or a login code that’s texted to you
- Ask you to visit an unfamiliar website
- Ask you to call a different number than the one listed on your card
- Incorrect grammar
- Unprofessional language
- Multiple typos
- Email attachments
- Suspicious links
If you have any questions or concerns, please call your banker directly, call us at 877-679-9646, or send us an email at [email protected].